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New tech trends – How has Covid accelerated uptake of this? We reveal the 6 main findings.

By Kirsten Sluggett|05/06/2020

Uncovering new tech trends and which part of our lives we are using tech to satisfy our needs

During Covid-19 people of all ages have embraced tech to meet changes in daily needs and habits. It has accelerated the uptake of new tech so we can enjoy doing what we love:

  • This is especially true with video conferencing
  • TikTok has seen usage across all generations with Boomers participating
  • VR and AR regularly discussed by all, not just experts


Video platform use goes beyond pure conversations and has encouraged people to try new ways of exercising, cooking, dating, quizzing, therapy and more.

Some of these behaviours are expected to stick:

  • Exercise as it’s more cost efficient and gyms are somewhere people feel least comfortable returning to
  • Cooking as a life skill and again, restaurants likely to open later than shop

Gaming has seen a surge in platform use as a popular space to hang out and connect:

  • Discord and Animal Crossing are two that have seen huge growth
  • Fortnite will be hosting an online party on May 8thto celebrate reaching 350m registers players

However, despite spending time socialising online, it’s clear that nothing replaces the face to face, in-person interactions.

New tech trends - Covid accelerated uptake